Friday, January 29, 2010

Please summarize the following month: January

It was in the blink of an eye, wasn't it? So fast, like greased lightning.

Anyways, in the month of January, yours truly has:

1. Accumulated a huge backlog of homework

2. Not listened to Pn.Ooi at all this whole month and ended up doing one maths question on the board really, really long.

3. Not understood Pn Chuah's add maths teaching.

4. Become an ahli koperasi.

5. Been cursing a certain Lyndon Low for designing the school diary so badly and Datin Proton Wira for letting the stupid fucker actually do it. Don't they know that we actually have to pay for that thing?

6. Also been cursing at the designers of the school's sports shirts. WTFBBQ gangster hoodie detailing on the back? Teguh Bersatu somemore. More like Teguh Bersatu Menjadi Hodoh.

7. Laughed at China's severe censoring. even their national channel is called CCTV.

8. Digging Hellaflush!

9. Been trying to construct an easy listening playlist. Not succesful.

10. Last, but not least, screwing up the Buku Pencegah Ponteng!

Blue Tounge signing off.

Blue tounge will replace Bluetooth!

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