Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Busting legs

On tuesday me, joli, TJ and liwen finally went and got justin his overdue b'day present. We met up at the GSC. The first thing we did was to not get justin a present. We watched Surrogates. Although it was a 3 to 1 decision to watch Meatballs, Liwen bribed us with the promise of a clear disc of Meatballs and bought tickets to Surrogates. The movie was quite confusing. I think watching food falling out of the sky would be better.

Surrogates had some funny parts though. All of them have one thing in common- humanlike robots being treated as dolls. Actually, they are already dolls. WTV lah. Anyway, we laughed when the robots got hit and piled upon a car, and when they were deactivated and just flopped onto the ground.

since it was already one, we went to search for lunch. Suggestions were: (not necessarily in order) Ajisen, Carls Jr, A&W, Burger King, Mcdonald's, Carls Jr, Burger King, Mcdonald's, KFC and finally Mcdonalds. we walked to aalmost all of those places back and forth again and again. Blame our indecisiveness XD

Finally, Justin's present! Suggestions!
-Converse shoes
-a piggy bank that says "I LOVE MONEY" on it
-Some toy that looks like and FEELS like bread/ pastry ( make me hungry again)
-the Domo soft toy which Liwen got for her "evil"(quote) sister
-underwear(justin's probably glad we changed our minds)
-golf club
-Nike bag

We went with the nike bag.
Then me and tj tagged along with the girls who went window shopping.
-strong will
-proper set of mind
-5 hours of meditation
-more meditation
-Tai chi
-finally, more patience.

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