Saturday, October 31, 2009

Having class in a Pasar Serbaneka

Class outing at 1u today, luckily about 12 people came. FAILIURE IS BEHIND US NOW... RISE AGAINST THE DARK SIDE.... Okay, that was really random...

which I think accurately describe our class outing; random. Jess, calyn me and william waited until 12. Only then all who could come came. We originally walked to pizza hut to eat lunch, but then it changed to the girls shopping and the boys shopping for food. As there was too little pizza vouchers, we ate at Carl's Jr, which was more expensive and too much with a disgusting stale smell despite the certificate for 'premis bersih' on their wall. Bersih tetapi berbau.

All of the boys were stuffed as we had downed burgers as big as our hand. Plus some fries and coke.
The girls cut one up like a birthday cake. 'StaySlim' regulations?

After that we heaved our bellies over to what was supposed to be the arcade. Instead we went into an accesories shop and kacau-ed the employees there by trying on their things. Jiagin had a stupid expression on. That probably led to the salesperson calling security. The girls had to get us out.

Then we played hide and seek in MPH. Yes, the bookstore. Surprisingly fun, but childish. after hunting we went to Quicksilver to listen to music. The girls were Lady Gaga fans. We also went to see a mime at a HP convention. I threw a uneaten fry across the hanging spaship model(battleship galactica was beside us) We also saw a halloween song-and-dance performance. Comments: Timing needs to be improved. Bigger stage needed.

We didn't go to the arcade at last, and went straight to watch The Time Travellers Wife. Good movie, something which was needed for quite some time now. Unfortunately everybody had to go bakc straightaway after that. Calyn and Julyn for some reason got affected by a time vortex and walked fast while the rest of us walked along with a tortoise that told us stories of his wonderful adventures walking from the Amazon to Malaysia to Tim's display picture.

Me, Binhao, chen hoe were eventually the only ones left. We bought a drink from the new coke vending machine and marvelled at how it vended the drink: Some mechanic brace moves up, the bottle is pushed down onto the brace and slides down to the opening at around hip-level. We were all "Wah so cool!". My drink came out with charged-up gas though.i love ice cream soda.

Pictures coming up, stay tuned!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Soil flying

Everybody seen the clumps of soil on the school grounds? Unlike some intelligent people, I still don't have a clue on why the clumps are appearing.

One theory is: Najib has ordered a secret bunker to protect himself from a possible riot against Barisan Nasional predicted by Intelligence. There is some evidence of this: the entry's through the drain. Don't tell :) ISA may want to pick you up.

Second, Aliens have finally reached earth. They mind controlled some peolple to put the clumps of soil there as reference to enter the universe. Apparently they hijacked the school's wi-fi network. It hasn't been active lately, no?

Third, datin has finally run out of things to waste money on. Making a imitation of the Mecca seems to be her newest bright idea. This way, she can convert the school into a mosque. By doing that, she helps the malay teachers to get their Hajah status in their name. Also, she gets to rid of us Chinese and indians out of her 1Malay school.

Class outing tomorrow. Wish it was sunway. haha :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gambling with oxygen

I think playing cards without money doesn't count as gambling. But of course the ministry of education does. Siva, flying black and white colours, caught us 'gambling'. We had to stand outside the bilik guru. Jiagin looked at flowers. I tried to stone a tortoise gently. William objected to our plan of ponteng-ing, not coming the next day and the next next day because siva will forget about us by then. He rather sit down and stare at the blue sky and listen to construction noises.

Then siva told us to go back to class and find Eric. Apparently bola baling was supposed to have reached the semi finals only. Then we keyed in percubaan marks for angsana and balau. Nearly gave gwen taine all zeroes.

We helped Jess with her stock check. Chen hoe and william came mostly for air cond though. There were quite a few interesting books that i never knew existed XD There was even a book from Elle teaching how to stay "fit and beautiful!" Surprised it wasn't deemed haram by Datin. Turns out she doesn't come to the library...

Well, signing off.

-william i wanna your fried rice!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Money hopping away

I just got a chicken for my restaurant in facebook. I didn't want to get it. My finger slipped and i let go of the mouse button. And at that time i was looking at the chicken hop around the front of my restaurant. 1300 coins gone. Stupid chicken.

Better lay some eggs for me.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


That's the name of a '70 muscle car, a car with performance and looks every bit as cool as the name itself. Even Lamborghins could just barely match the name. Between saying "Gay-ar-do" and just "'Cuda", in my opinion, the latter definately is better. Shorter too. I was thinking of drawing one, and thinking how to make it look better. After just 10 minutes of thinking, I concluded that not one thing needs to be changed. It's beautiful and muscley just as it is.

Speaking of cars, Takumi's AE86 is back! In FT-86 form. below is the car itself.

Already people has started "modifying' it. One example is below, with Work wheels

After much drawing and sculpting, more drawing and more sculpting, Lexus has finally given the green light for its LF-A. I've seen the ad, and I think it sounds like their F1 car.

Quite good, in my opinion.

Anyway, today the RIMUP event was held in the dewan. Jia gin and me were like "I dun wanna go...." but it turned out to be okay. Datin started the speeches while me and ben yew were in the middle row being racist. Datin spoke for 14 minutes, much, much longer than the chinese headmaster. Next were the performances. Students from which school i dunno drummed on tong sampahs, a paint can and a water container for a unique piece. Next was a indian/malay(couldn't identify) dance by 4 girls from another school. Quite synchronized. Then came this malay dance and finally an all-indian performance with humping included. There was also a singing performance with some really great vocals. Damned talented. Then it was DJ's turn. Blue shirt piano guy started with a good piano piece. KarMay and Josephine then took the stage for a excellent duet. Kelvin continued the streak with Robbie William's Better Man. Then Thevindran went on and sang some classic malay songs. I don't like them. Plus his stupid afro wig and sunglasses. Ugh.

Next, in a really shortened version, we sat at tables, answered some questions, ate and rearranged the tables.

We went back to class, and found out that jg's cards had been confisicated. Discussing on where to go on this saturday got ourselves a red card from Pn.Joyce.... twice. Too loud.

Now I'm playing Death Vegas again. Unlike the last time I played it, its not laggy anymore (rejoice!) Fun!

-Now whacking more cartoon characters, zhi chung

Busting legs

On tuesday me, joli, TJ and liwen finally went and got justin his overdue b'day present. We met up at the GSC. The first thing we did was to not get justin a present. We watched Surrogates. Although it was a 3 to 1 decision to watch Meatballs, Liwen bribed us with the promise of a clear disc of Meatballs and bought tickets to Surrogates. The movie was quite confusing. I think watching food falling out of the sky would be better.

Surrogates had some funny parts though. All of them have one thing in common- humanlike robots being treated as dolls. Actually, they are already dolls. WTV lah. Anyway, we laughed when the robots got hit and piled upon a car, and when they were deactivated and just flopped onto the ground.

since it was already one, we went to search for lunch. Suggestions were: (not necessarily in order) Ajisen, Carls Jr, A&W, Burger King, Mcdonald's, Carls Jr, Burger King, Mcdonald's, KFC and finally Mcdonalds. we walked to aalmost all of those places back and forth again and again. Blame our indecisiveness XD

Finally, Justin's present! Suggestions!
-Converse shoes
-a piggy bank that says "I LOVE MONEY" on it
-Some toy that looks like and FEELS like bread/ pastry ( make me hungry again)
-the Domo soft toy which Liwen got for her "evil"(quote) sister
-underwear(justin's probably glad we changed our minds)
-golf club
-Nike bag

We went with the nike bag.
Then me and tj tagged along with the girls who went window shopping.
-strong will
-proper set of mind
-5 hours of meditation
-more meditation
-Tai chi
-finally, more patience.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Joy, sort of.


one week late.

sorry, internet was down.

so was the PS2.

Basketball tomorrow!

Friday, October 2, 2009

TV Screeeeam!

Ode to the crazy indian who sang billie jean at the Malaysian Idol audition. Sing until got ice cream come out.

New TV screen in the house! A spontaneous buy on my father's part, but i think it wasn't necessary as the old TV was still working. Still, 42 inches of ... er...Light Emitting Diodes? Cathode Ray Tubes? Plasma? Dunno which one is it. But it's BIG. And kind of out of place.

I'm gonna be waiting to play a race and a movie on it!

TV Screeeeam!